Do I Need Help? Mental Health Recovery Guide

**As being used by the NHS

*As being evaluated by the NHS

Do I Need Help?

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Do I Need Help? Digital Download

**Do I Need Help?

The Mental Health Diagnostic

& Relapse Prevention Planner

Do you, or someone you know, suffer from Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia or maybe some other mental health condition?

There are many things that are positive about identifying early warning signs and drawing up a Relapse Prevention Plan, and they are:

• A relapse may be prevented if early warning signs are noticed and acted on appropriately (relapse stopped).

• Noticing and acting on early warning signs can reduce the chances of a serious relapse (a shorter or less severe relapse).

• You are taking control in circumstances where you and your friend/relative may feel you have very little.

• If you have a plan you have agreed with your friend or relative beforehand, this may avoid disagreements about what has to happen when/if they show these signs.

• It also means that you don’t have to think too hard about what needs to happen at a time that may be very stressful.

• It may make it easier to communicate your concerns clearly to professionals involved in the care of your relative or friend.

• It’s a bit like having car insurance – you might never need it but if you do, you’ll be glad you have it.

Containing the 55 flash cards the professionals use.

Avoid suicide, psychosis, hospital and other unpleasant consequences.

More comprehensive and concise than all the other guides.

Works especially well for complex illnesses and dual diagnosis.

Perfect for friends, family and carers.

Laid out in a practical manner for easy reading.

No fluff talk, simple-to-follow: A practical and digestible read.

Single-sided printing for note making.

"Do I need help" is a from the heart and personal experience practical book written by  a recurring mental health patient. Andrew Welcome has tackled this very emotional subject in great depth giving the patient and/or carer invaluable information on recognising and dealing with signs of relapse. I would love to see this extremely useful informative book given to all carers and sufferers of mental health conditions as part of the care package which in itself would prevent the breakdown of many families."

Jane S., United Kingdom

There is a gap in service provision on hospital discharge, namely Relapse Prevention Planning: Often, friends, family and carers, as well as patients, are quite in the dark about their illness, recovery and relapse prevention, leading to further admissions to hospital, currently at the rate of 53%. They lack the knowledge of how to best manage and essential coping skills, methods, strategies and techniques.

Do I Need Help? 2.0 is a comprehensive guide, more advanced than the free relapse prevention guides, for patients, friends, family and carers to prevent, or at least reduce the risk of, relapse more effectively.

The tips and techniques contained therein have helped myself and others to stay out of hospital already. Even carers have reported benefits, being “unable to put the book down”, giving them invaluable insights, help and support.

In a one-year small survey of 20 mental health patients who have been given a copy of the book, only one was re-admitted to hospital and he admitted to not having read the book.

It has taken 26 years and 7 admissions’ experiences to come up with the work here presented. The work has been created because no one else has, and there was a gap in the mental health care and well-being information available, especially as a single publication. It’s a complete manual.

Most patients, once diagnosed, have an illness for life and without better management, end up as repeat visitors.

I believe more can, and should, be done to reduce patient re-admission and this book aims to address that and save money for the NHS as well as reduce the grief and confusion suffered by patients, friends, family and carers.

"Every one's journey to recovery is different". Well, I would agree with that yet I would also add that the destinations remain the same, e.g. healthy eating, healthy sleeping, having goals etc., etc., and that is what my book covers: Hoping to shorten the journey to wellness and reinforce recovery, reducing the pressure and stress for any sufferers who read it, as well as aid friends, families and carers.

This book was designed as a working manual to help patients make permanent recovery a real possibility, avoiding crisis and hospital, or suicide, where possible: In the least, staying as well as can possibly be achieved.

This book represents 26 years’ worth of observations of the methods, strategies and techniques which work. For example, I have found that the majority of mental health patients who are presenting symptoms have no real goals (they have let them go and the symptoms have taken over) and my book encourages an explains the setting and achieving of goals as an aid to wellness.

Developing a Relapse Signature of symptoms and an advanced Plan goes into more depth and practicality with the user experience than the usual Care Plans alone especially when it comes to early intervention. The Relapse Prevention Planner works just as well when there is a complex diagnosis or a single diagnosis. It can also be used to help monitor an illness as it changes, as some do and maximise the chances of well-being.

“Just finished your book-great job! I love the relapse prevention tips and the comprehensive scope of your plan-really good work, I think it will help lots of people.”

L. Calvano, MA Psych, United States

“Andrew`s book combines good advice with his own experiences of relapse and recovery which I think will inspire readers to think about ways to look after their own mental health.”

Leonie D., Occupational Therapy Lead, District NHS, United Kingdom

Make relapse a thing of the past or minimal risk.

Avoid unnecessary psychiatric treatment.

Live a life free of medication.

Reinforce your recovery.

26 years’ experience in research in recovery from psychotic illness.

Copyright Contract Harmony Ltd © 2017-2021 All Rights Reserved

Here’s to your success!  -  Improvements Guaranteed!

The products are viewable on any of your devices, desktop, Apple, laptop, tablet and smart-phone, either Apple IOS or Android and are printable using a printer.

Do I Need Help? 2.0 Relapse Prevention Planner & Mental Health Recovery Guide

*Do I Need Help? 2.0

The Relapse Prevention Planner

& Mental Health Recovery Guide


Pre-evaluation price £14.95


Pre-evaluation price £14.95


Digital download price £9.95

Shave years, and decades, (even a life-time) off the learning curve of surviving, and even thriving, despite having some of these illnesses.

Just under 1% of all admissions to hospital end in suicide and at least 48% of all admissions are re-admissions.


Digital download price £9.95

Do I Need Help? Is the pre-cursor to Do I Need Help 2.0 and was written out of the need to provide Relapse Prevention built in to hospital education of patients.